Creating and managing Customer SMS Profiles

The Panacea Platform uses SMS Profiles to allow you to specify where SMSes are routed and at what price for any accounts. To do this you will first need to create the SMS Profile and then attach it to the desired Account.

First you will need to navigate to SMS > MT Routing > Customer Profiles in the menu.


This will take you to the Routing Profiles page where you can manage all the Profiles you have on the Panacea Platform. To create a new Profile you will need to select the New Routing Profile option on the right hand side of the page.


This will take you to the page where you can create a new Profile.


To create a new profile you will need to specify the following information.

  • Name. This is the name that will be used to identify the profile.
  • Currency. This is the currency that will be used for the profile. This profile will only be able to be attached to accounts with the same currency settings.
  • Is Public. 
  • Is Enabled. You can use this setting to enable or disable the profile as needed.
  • Is Default. This setting dictates whether or not this profile is added to all new accounts by default as the accounts are created. Only set this if you wish all new users to have this pricing applied.
  • Discount Brackets. This is for internal use only and dictates the volume bracket for pricing. This setting does not change anything on the system.
  • Include in profile auto generation. This setting allows the profile to be updates whenever a coverage import is done. We recommend always setting this on unless the pricing is quoted as a constant.
  • Minimum margin as a percentage. This is the profit margin that is applied to the gateway cost in a percentage.
  • Minimum margin in profile currency. This is the profit margin that is applied to the gateway cost in a currency format.
  • Add Priority. This is the priority level of the Profile. This is used when multiple profiles are used on a single account. The profile with the highest priority will be used first.

Once you are happy with the settings you can save the profile by clicking on the Submit button.

The profile will now be listed and you can edit it further by selecting the options form the drop don menu next to it. You will now need to add coverage to the profile. You can do this by either manually entering the information or by populating it. To manually enter the required information you will need to select the Routes option from the list.


This will take you to the Routing section of the profile. From here you will need to select the country and the gateway you wish to add coverage to.


You will then need to enable the specific networks that you want to route to and set the cost per message. You are also able to set the priority for this specific route, the higher priority routes are used first. Once you are happy with the routes you can click on the Update Profile button.

Please remember to always flush the required services after making changes on the Panacea Platform