Anyone is able to upgrade their standard Panacea Mobile account to a Reseller account.
Upgrade To Reseller
Configuring Your Reseller Account
Managing Accounts
Managing Funds
To do this your will need to either have R300.00 or EUR 25.00 available within your account balance. Then simply log into the account and look for the green reseller upgrade banner in the lower left hand side of your dashboard.
Once you have clicked on the banner you will be taken to the following page that will explain the way the reseller platform works:
As you will see on the page some of the key features are:
The reseller system also supports the following white-label features:
If you wish to upgrade then you can simply click on the yellow Activate Now button.
To confirm that you accept the terms and conditions click on the yellow Activate button. You will then be taken to the following page where you are asked to enter your company details.
Most of the information requested above is compulsory so please make sure you fill in everything required. Once you have completed the form you can click on the yellow Next button.
This is where you specify what needs to happen to any new accounts setup on your reseller platform. The following options will be presented to you on the page:
Once you are satisfied with your settings you can continue the process by clicking Next.
You will then be taken to the Domains & Email page.
As you can see from the screenshot above. You are able to register and use your own domain if you wish. Once the domain is set it cannot be changed, should you need to change the domain after setup please contact support. You will also be able to setup the name and address the emails your system will send from when it updates your customers. Once you are happy with the settings you can proceed by clicking Next.
This will then complete the initial setup of the Reseller account. The next few steps will assist you in setting up your custom branding.
To be able to view your branding you will now need to log out of your account and log in again using the either the sub-domain you chose or custom domain you setup externally.
Your login details are the same that you registered your account with.
Once logged in you can edit your reseller platform by selecting the Reseller Options menu item.
This menu option will take you to the reseller options page. Once on the page you can edit the following information, some of which has been setup during the reseller account creation.
General Settings. This page pictured below allows you to setup your own RSS feed to display on the Dashboard page. You can also set whether your customers will be able to manually add credits themselves by displaying the Add Credit button.
Company Details. This page allows you to edit the company details you entered at the reseller account creation.
New Accounts. This page allows you to edit what happens with new accounts. You would have set this up at the reseller account creation.
Domains & Email. This page confirms your reseller domain address and e-mail settings.
Branding. This page pictured below allows you to change the look and feel of your reseller account.
This page is broken down into 5 tabs and each tab allows you to customise the branding of the corresponding area of the dashboard. There is no right or wrong here and you can set the page to look like your own. Remember that should you wish to reset back to the default settings you can click on Restore To Default.
Communications. The page pictured below allows you to setup what communications you wish to be able to send your customers.
These communications can range from password reset e-mails to welcome SMSs. The ones pictured above are setup by default and you can edit them as needed.
Payout Accounts. This page allows you to edit your banking or paypal details. For security purposes the page is locked behind a One Time Pin (OTP) verification pictured below that will be delivered to the handset number that you used to register your account with.
You are able to manually create accounts from the dashboard. To do so simply navigate to Accounts -> Create Account.
You will need to enter in the following details.
Once you have entered all the required data you can create the account by clicking on the Create button.
The account will now be created and will be listed under the Accounts tab on your dashboard. You will be able to Transfer Funds, set the Pricing and Edit the account using the buttons next to it.
You are able to purchase credits, transfer funds from your wallet, request a payout from your wallet and view recent transactions by clicking on the red Manage Funds button next to your account name on the dashboard.
You will be presented with the following options:
You are able to view a list of the recent transactions that have occurred on your account below the options mentioned above.