API access manager

An API token acts like a permanent password for you to connect to an API. API connections are handled this way due to that fact that usernames and passwords may change, then instead of needing to change connection settings within the API, the token will remain constant.


This guide will assist you in creating, viewing and deleting an API token.


From your login screen click on the Tools tab. You will then be taken to the Tools page. From this page hold you mouse over Create > Create API Token as pictured below and click on the selected option.

Panacea Mobile API Access Manager

You will then be asked to name your token by giving it a description as pictured below. Once you are satisfied with the name, you can click on the Create button to proceed.

Panacea Mobile API Token

Your token will now have been created and you will see it listed on the page tab.

Panacea Mobile API Token Created

You can now click on the View Status icon as pictured above to view the details of your API token. These details are presented as below:

Panacea Mobile Token Status

You can close this view by clicking on the X in the corner. You can also delete the token by clicking on the Delete icon.

Panacea Mobile API Token Created